
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

He's here, he's there, he's everywhere ---

CNN on the absentee governor of Minnesota, with occasional sitings being reported and logged, in Minnesota:

"The point is, I have the time and the energy and the ability to make some time to speak out to issues that I think are important to my state and to the country," Pawlenty said at the biennial Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference on Mackinac Island, Michigan. He added that since this particular event fell on a Saturday he likely "wouldn't be doing the state's business today back in Minnesota" anyway.

The Democratic National Committee has set up a Web page devoted to "calling out" Pawlenty on what the DNC calls his healthcare reform "lies." The DNC even posted Pawlenty's main office phone number and encouraged visitors of the site to call and ask the governor to stop "lying" and "playing politics."

While they are at it, why not ask a leopard to change its spots?

If you want to find whats-his-name, Ol' Vetopen, where do you look? CNN suggests:

In a brief interview with CNN, Pawlenty said that he would "eventually" be in Iowa — traditionally the first caucus state — for political events, but also stated that it would likely be in his role as vice chair of the Republican Governors' Association "as opposed to anything else."

I think Mike Hatch would make a better president; and had it not been for the Hutchinson-Reed ticket siphoning off votes last cycle, a "better governor too" entry would have been on the Hatch resume.