
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Healthy reading. Robert Reich has a blog, and has two recent posts on healthcare.

The posts are from Aug. 28, here; and Aug. 31, here.

The ideas are well explored but not unique. Reich writes well, and unless you are a knuckle dragging right-winger [wing dragging?] you will not start yelling at the computer monitor for what the content contains.

His newest book is titled "Supercapitalism."

It is an engaging title, as you try to envision what a Supercapitalist would look like, how dressed, how distinguished from a run-of-the mill ordinary empty-suit stuffed-shirt capitalist. Or what Supercapital would be. You put two supercapital bills together and immediately they start reproducing pocket change at a faster-than-light rate, or what?

Also there is a mid-August post, here. Check out all three posts. please.

Reich has a fourth fairly recent [mid-August] post; here, where he discusses the two point six percent representation of the gang of six. These six should be encouraged to pass whatever they want and quit stalling, then in the conference proceedings they can be outvoted - another Senate committee has approved a more twenty-first century bill, yet these six out of step individuals persist to resist.