
Monday, September 14, 2009

HEALTHCARE: An update, aimed at single payer awareness and activism. One sentence can fix the mess. Then tune Medicare as justice requires.

Screenshot, from here. Any reader at all interested in the Healthcare debate is encouraged to go to that home page, explore the site, and register your interest. My flag-waving troll can even get off on this one by obsessing on the upper left corner:

More on the sole sensible answer to fixing the broken healthcare situation in the nation - here, here, and these Google News items. Or just Google = "Medicare for all".

The first one of those above linked other items is authored by one who, if elected, would have saved the nation the disgrace of a Presidential criminal negotiating a pre-abdication pardon, and flying out of DC in utter shame and with the loathing of a multitude of Americans; the author stating words we should all consider:

As far back as President Harry S. Truman, they have urged Congress to act on this national need. In a presentation before a joint session of Congress last week, Obama offered his view of the best way forward.

But what seems missing in the current battle is a single proposal that everyone can understand and that does not lend itself to demagoguery. If we want comprehensive health care for all our citizens, we can achieve it with a single sentence: Congress hereby extends Medicare to all Americans.

Don't we want "comprehensive health care for all our citizens"?

I believe that's a worthy goal.

No heavy lifting or speechifying required; KISS; keep it simple, stupid.

There is no need for multiple suggested texts each over a thousand pages long, when the unvarnished TRUTH is that after all the bloviating is over, one simple "single sentence" is all that's needed:

Congress hereby extends Medicare to all Americans.