
Thursday, September 17, 2009


Two links, no excerpt, go to the source - Brad Blog in each instance.

First, diagnosis vs. prescription; here. With many helpful links.

Second, and you can sign the Medicare for All petition; linked to from here.

If you don't care, and think Baucus Maximus and his five favorite friends are dandy planners suitable for all you'd want to see; don't bother.

If like me, you'd like in retaliation to cut off the water project pork and Corps of Engineer's project pork they've had for their virtually unpopulated and in some cases quite arid states [the gang of six represent, numerically, a number of Americans equal to the population of New York City, alone, or roughly so]; then go for the best available and only sensible option for now - HR 676 - and then don't forget to do what you later can [yes we can] get revenge against the six and others using the dark side of the force against progress and against fundamentally fair decency.

Costs and services can be streamlined and balanced; a single payer system would have virtually take-it-or-leave-it bargaining power in reserve while negotiating fair prices and drug and provider availability; and enough money's there to fund it from several alternative sources; without deficits growing; and only the will and the compassion are lacking in too many, at present.

The time to press and to work to change that is now.