
Thursday, September 10, 2009

HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM: MnDaily has a good report. Our Senators and Reps break strickly on party lines on the need for a public option.

Read the MnDaily item here. It is factually sound, and terse, hence, better than our statewide press that way.

Now that the nose count is in, there should be a public option, but -- what else?

What size and availability, and implementation timing would be entailed in a true public option vs. a purely cosmetic sham? If it is to be give and take, what are the dimensions of the "take" part? Take what, from whom, to benefit which cabal?

The devil's in the details.

Whether its a smile of devilish deception and deliberate elastic ambiguity, or one of unjustified weak-fence-stradling self-satisfaction, or a compassionate and responsive smile; you decide. The photo is from a MinnPost carry of Reuters/Jason Reed.

It looks like an I-sure-do-give-a-good-speech smile to me. I await action. We've had the words.