
Monday, September 14, 2009

Hard lessons for some, for Met Council limited-view planners re water availability, and for climate change skeptics. Mess with nature, nature wins.

While it is not news to eco-aware people or to anyone knowing about the water related pork projects out west, near term plentiful water with a cordial ever present intense sunlight, all that is phony if the plentiful water is a rigged thing.

This link.

Read it there. No excerpt.

It might be old news to some, but not to enough of us, and (things being ideal and only a few having flat or downward sloping learning curves) it would serve as a wake-up call to others. It's a vain hope at best, but a failure to learn and respect limits will hit the children's grand children. Not us.

This post is needed because it relates in a way to quite local profligate posturing about wetland buffers and wetland preservation.

Mess with nature, nature wins.

Again, mess with nature, nature wins.

Nature could give a good god-damn about your selfish narrow whining over "Property rights." Your "right" to pee regularly on the corners of your land, saying, "Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine; not yours; not anyone's but mine."



You say so, so loudly, MH.

Nature rules, and nobody owns any land. Nature persists, on a geological and archeological time frame. The water under the land moves. The air is a key vital resource; even though nobody ponies up stacks of dollar bills to breathe.

With limited life times, at best one "owns" the right to be a sound or foolish steward over the land, and to deal with weather and winds and rain. Never mind dealing with developers - developers being the most short-sighted of humans, even more so than our beloved local land barons. And the attendant wannabes.

Too much foolishness will roost long after the worse offenders are dust, and footnotes in history. If that.

Again, nature rules.