
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

City of Ramsey's Mayor, Bob Ramsey, has an informational blog, worth checking out.

The link is here, with the most current item referencing mention of the city in a Strib report of municipalities that are cutting budget for next year. It also lists budget cutting steps the city has taken.

Have a look.

I have a comment to that post, currently under review, basically asking whether City of Ramsey still employs a legislative lobbyist. I have been highly critical of how past Ramsey officials have used lobbying regarding a presently defunct "Port Authority" that some in the city tried to foist off on the citizens during the James Norman tenure as City Administrator. See this prior Crabgrass post, for some history.

After wrapping up this post, I will put another comment into the moderation queue at the mayor's website, about whether there will ever be a Port Authority during his term of service if he can do anything to prevent it. I have been assured that the thought is disfavored by some on council, but I think it should be said on record.

Finally, I applaud Bob Ramsey's choice to open this communication channel. He runs a business and being mayor consumes much time in meetings and in document reviews prior to meetings, so taking the additional time to open an information channel outside of the official city website is praiseworthy. Perhaps others on council might follow the precedent.