
Thursday, August 06, 2009

Thoughts on taxation by someone who thinks.

With comments by readers who think. Debunking lies told by those who think they can fool enough of the public enough of the time. Lies told by Pawlenty and other GOP individuals.

Here, this link.

Don't expect to read it all in one sitting. I may from time to time post excerpts. Such as this from three-quarters or more through the exegesis:

Those who say "tax-more, spend-more" policies stunt job growth seem to think the money the government collects goes nowhere — or maybe into a coffee can buried in the Boundary Waters.

Actually, it goes to schools, public works and infrastructure projects. Jobs. It goes to hiring more highway patrol, police and fire fighters. Jobs. It hires more teachers and social workers and librarians. Jobs.

And what do they think happens when they continue to cut government spending? It can't come out of the paper clip and coffee budget because that money's long gone.

One last thought - it is one of the most interestingly formatted blog efforts I have seen. Compare it to others. The formatting, color schemes, etc., do not distract from content.

Worthwhile? ABSOLUTELY. And in a good sense, unique. But also saying things we all know as sound, so long as we do not allow ourselves to be be lulled by the constant witless propaganda.

Quimby currently writes online, here. Archived writing is here.