
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This is interesting. It could go somewhere. Please join the effort.

Regarding the one health care petition effort, to Obama, the Whitehouse and not the Senate, but indirectly to each, it will be observed and put into the mix, THIS LINK, I received this email over the last few minutes from the petition sponsors:

Thanks to an incredible outpouring of support from people like you, in less than 24 hours we've collected over 72,574 signatures telling Barack Obama that the public option is not optional.

Right now, the best thing we can do is continue to ratchet up the public pressure. A strong public outcry since the President and Secretary Sebelius minimized the importance of the public option has forced the Obama administration to backtrack and re-affirm support for it. But it's not enough for President Obama to indicate that he'd accept the public option without affirming its centrality to meaningful reform efforts.

We need Obama to step up to the plate and lead by telling the voters and Congress that he will not sign a health care reform bill without a robust public insurance option similar to Medicare.

The more people who speak out, the louder our collective voice.

So can you help us reach 100,000 signatures by Friday by asking your friends and family to take action?

It cannot hurt to add your support; again: THIS LINK.

I cannot speak for the petition sponsors, nor who they are and what their ties are; but it is kind of a "can't lose" proposition if you agree in principal with the petition's thrust. So, go for it. Make it deliverable at 100,000 signatures by Friday.