
Thursday, August 27, 2009

The teamsters endorsement of Tarryl Clark went under my radar; but they are on board.

Tarryl Clark's campaign website is vexing. Yeah, I can watch a video, but if she has something to say worth my time I'd prefer it written so I can scan it in a hurry, or carefully read and think it over.

Not even text there touting endorsements.

Yet, besides earlier union support, there is this:

Teamsters Joint Council 32 Endorses Tarryl Clark for U.S. Congress
August 20, 2009 - Press Contact, Edward Reynoso, 612-710-0944

Minneapolis — Today, Teamsters Joint Council 32 officially endorsed Tarryl Clark, candidate for Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional District. The vote was unanimous by the Teamsters Joint Council DRIVE Commission and immediately affirmed by the Joint Council Executive Board. The early endorsement commits one of the largest labor organizations in Minnesota for an anticipated hard-fought battle for a Congressional District that has heavy Union propensity.

“We will do everything in our power to assure that workers in Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional District will finally have a voice that understands what the real issues are that affect working families,” Sue Mauren, Teamsters Joint Council 32 President said.

Teamsters Joint Council 32 represents in excess of 62,000 active and retired members in the state of Minnesota, and a very large amount in the Sixth Congressional District.

“We will reach out to our members in the district and show them the facts as to how they have been ignored by the current Congressional Representative. She has been an absolute disappointment and, in many cases, an embarrassment to voters in the area,” Mauren went on to say.

Tarryl Clark is currently the Assistant Majority Leader in the Minnesota State Senate and has been at the forefront and a vocal advocate for many working family issues. “We are proud to stand side by side with Senator Clark and work with her on a successful campaign,” said Patrick Radzak, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Joint Council 32.

I cannot find much in that press release that I would dispute. Clark seems to be a quality person, a winner, and several notches above the incumbent she is challenging.

Reed remains a candidate, but is being outdistanced.

Now this, for Tarryl and staff on the campaign:

Video is for the Vikings.

Twitter and Facebook are for children.
