
Friday, August 28, 2009

Tarryl Clark gains another endorsement.

Minn. Post reports, here.

The carpenters union endorsed Tarryl Clark instead of Michele Bachmann (or Maureen Reed).

Has Reed been seeking endorsements of this kind and not been getting them, or is it beneath her dignity and stature?

Anyway, endorsement means backing with rank and file encouraged to volunteer and contribute, so the Tarryl Clark bandwagon seems to be gaining strength and support on a daily basis. I expect at precinct caucus I will support her, the Governor's race being much more a toss-up at present, but I am not going to volunteer or contribute - Clark appears to have enough momentum that way without me.

So, it's going to be Clark vs. Bachmann unless one of the two for no sensible reason gets into a twin-engine aircraft to Eveleth this October, where who knows what might happen. With healthcare reform a current issue, boy, do we ever miss having Paul Wellstone. He would have been a force in this kind of situation. Al Franken, take notice, please, it is your turn. Be a Wellstone, Al, please. We need it. If it's still hanging fire when Clark gets there, she will help.

Back to the headline, here's the gist of Joe Kimball's MinnPost report:

The North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters endorsed Clark this week. It has 13,000 members in Minnesota, including 2,447 in the 6th Congressional District.

"Tarryl Clark has been a proven leader for Minnesota's working families," said Kyle Makarios, political director for the council. "It is important to have someone in Washington who is advocating for workers, especially in this time of economic hardship."

As would be expected, other labor groups, including Teamsters and AFSCME locals, have already jumped on the Clark bandwagon.