
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

HEALTHCARE - Something is as true today as it was last month.

Reread this, or read it for the first time.

Image below, from here.

I cannot defend anything Obama and the two houses of congress have done so far about healthcare. It is a bandaid, at best, although more likely a fraud from the start. A bait-and-switch hoax.

It is baby steps. Inexplicably so, since if there ever was a mandate for wanting new and bold leadership [as was promised] to equal the mandate of the 2006 and 2008 elections, I do not know of it. Perhaps the Gringrich fraud back in the 1990's matches, perhaps not.

Politicians having single digit percentage approvals, is being to kind to them, they deserve zero respect, so far.

We need another national political party to balance the two on the right. The two that are ostensibly at odds on how to treat people, although they appear to only differ on which mob gets current dibs on current patronage spoils while the other pack of mobsters moves private sector to cash out payment for past services.

We need something better than the propaganda machine called mainstream media.

Where is Bill Clinton giving speeches these days, at how much per pop?

What are the two George Bushes doing these days? Keeping up "friendships" is my guess.

Too good to pass up, Google's targeted advertisement image is this, when I closed the Blogger edit window:

That man is as much a socialist as I am an evangelical christian. The central planning body in Minnesota known as Metropolitan Council, now that's socialism; and the City of Ramsey buying a land development to develop it, buying The Ramsey Town Center, now that also is clear socialism; certainly more so in each instance, relative to anything Obama's done or proposed. Think about it. What else would you call socialized planning and socialized development? Would you call it Free Enterprise? Would you call it letting the market govern? What? I know what I'd call it:

Socialism run amok. Clearly bad socialism. Socialism for Dummies.

Pyromaniacs running the fire department as the metaphor of Met Council's brand of socialism. Crabgrass-controlled socialism.

Lake Wobegone effect socialism, for the Ramsey situation. (actually the term fits Met Council too, with each overestimating its "above average" capabilities and potential ability to push effectively on a string and achieve anything beyond actual mischief)

The Ramsey Town Center situation; perhaps we call it Mop-up Socialism. It is that.

_________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Leaving socialism at the local locale aside, another petition every intelligent patriot wanting to make us a better nation should sign, this link.