
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Recently Disclosed Campaign Spending by Sixth Congressional District DFL challengers to GOP incumbent Michele Bachmann.

Tarryl Clark, not yet a declared Sixth District candidate has not been required to file FEC forms. She shall have to once officially a candidate. Maureen Reed and Elwyn Tinklenberg have filed.

Donor lists are generally the most informative thing early in an election cycle, as they show early adherents to a candidacy, and it's been said early money is like yeast, in leavening things.

Elwyn Tinklenberg's spending is reported online, here.

Maureen Reed's spending is reported online, here.

Tinklenberg's disclosure shows the DC hired gun, Dana Houle, $2500 for "strategy consulting." Blue Man has noted, "El also has three staff members on the payroll still as well, including his daughter." That would be the "Anna Richey" expenditures for "salary." She is his step-daughter, hence the name difference. There is a May 13, 2009 expenditure of $6850 for "media consulting" to a Mr. Aaron Richey. I do not know if there is a kinship relationship to that, but the last name is the same. Bottom line pattern, as noted in an earlier Crabgrass posting the family appears to be putting none of its own wealth into the candidacy, but taking cash out. This is not to be judgmental, because whoever you are, if you provide labor or services you've a right to expect compensation. It is a disclosed fact set. I would not make more of it.

Reed's disclosure shows the opposite pattern, the Reed-Hart family putting some of it's own wealth behind the candidacy, constituting a substantial fraction of the donations but not nearly the majority. There is no indication of disbursements to any family members from campaign money. Noteworthy payments appear to be to a Ms. Cathy Braaten, three equal amounts so far, for "consulting." No salaried campaign manager disbursements are listed. Googling the Bratten name did not yield much beyond this Mark Dayton Feb. 9, 2009 press release critical of Pawlenty junketing and listing Ms. Bratten as contact person; implying she is a political operative or advisor of some kind. I am unaware of whether any Reed-Dayton allegience ties should be inferred from a common use of a single advisory assistant. I am guessing Bratten is serving at this point as the primary hired campaign advisor Reed has.