
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hired Gun Hubris as proxy on behalf of the IP'er who a decade or more ago was elected mayor of Blaine.

Baaaaad! Bad to the Bone. Jack Palance, as the out-of-town hired gun in Shane.

There is this (hat tip to Political Muse):

I'm Taking a Break From DKos to Take Out Michele Bachmann
by Dana Houle -- Thu Jul 09, 2009 at 05:44:29 PM PDT

About six and a half years ago I discovered Daily Kos. It was shortly after the 2002 election, and I was hooked. There was a bunch of campaign talk, but what really sucked me in were the posts by Markos and the late Steve Gilliard on the idiocy of the war and the horrible planning they were reporting even before the invasion in March 2003. I started commenting in threads—there were no diaries in those days—and within a few months, Markos asked me to become what was then called a guest blogger, and has since become known as a contributing editor.

I've worked in a state legislature, for labor unions, on Capitol Hill, and on campaigns. Since I've been at Daily Kos, I've done several campaigns; I worked in Louisiana helping legislative candidates, I worked for Wesley Clark, I helped run the campaign against Michigan's idiotic marriage amendment, and I've managed two successful races against incumbent Republican Congressmen.

My next challenge is to take out a third member of Congress: Minnesota Republican Michele Bachman.

I won't be involved in any of the administrative activities of the site, but I'll probably still write an occasional piece as a featured writer, at least until the campaign really heats up and I’m working 80 hours a week. And I'll still be commenting in threads and participating in the community.

But for the next 16 months, my obligations lie in doing whatever I can to elect Elwyn Tinklenberg [aka the Ten-percent Tinkster per a fair and balanced Blue blog poll] to Congress and relieving Michele Bachmann of her duties so she can spend more time warning Americans of the threats posed by the US Census Bureau.

Minnesotan Kossacks, please let me know if when you get together; I've gotten to know Kossacks where I've lived in the last six years, including my home state of Michigan, in New Hampshire, Connecticut and in DC. Many of these folks have become close friends, and I hope to make more friends in Minnesota.

And I hope we can work together. I mean, you know how important this race is, I'm confident you'll come to share my commitment to helping El win, and you know it's going to be a lot of fun to win this race.

Well, Dana Houle, toot your own horn why don't you, while you're neither Rajean Houle, nor Dana Patrick, both of whom were talented; just as there's something lacking in the IP-guy from Blaine you're marketing, who the wrestler liked but who in the 2008 Dem landslide could not get 43% nor help Al Franken's vote counts in MN 6; and who was hard pressed through his campaign to excite even an energetic yawn, last cycle.

Muse has the analysis right and tight. Read it there, not even a distracting quote here - go read it!

And, Dana, Sir, should the unlikeliest of things happen in DFL matters and neither Clark nor Reed is the general election candidate, know this (Avidor at Dump Bachmann will tell you):