
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I would love to see the Ramsey police stand by and smile while thugs destroy your house. You have to be severely retarded!

The headline text was left [anonymously] as a learned comment to a prior Crabgrass post. June 26. Which post it was attached to does not matter.

Everyone's a critic. I left a comment on Brodkorb's MDE blog, when he took the GOP inner party job and turned the blog over to the new GOP outer party guy, (Winston Smith, Winston Flynn, Ryan Smith, O'brien, whatever his name is), and while I am politically distanced from what Brodkorb supports my comment was agreeing with Brodkorb, the litigation he was in was a SLAPP, (the letters standing for Strategic Litigagion Against Public Participation, a litigious thing in California where there's a dedicated website, but the SLAPP issue is seldom pleaded in Minnesota, Brodkorb's claim being a pioneer effort). Some other person left a subsequent comment saying I was a "hate-filled recluse."

Calling me that for agreeing with Brodkorb I suppose. The lesson, that's the last time I'll agree with Brodkorb about anything besides day of the week or season of the year.

That headline comment. I could have snuffed the thing as I did for a while, publish it and let it stand where it was put, or do what I am doing, making it a focus of the quality intellect of an individual having time and willingness to read the blog.

There are professionals who can help this individual through such feelings.

Marcus Bachmann perhaps could help on anger management, (a prominently listed clinic speciality), and Schadenfreude disorders, etc., can be clinically managed (Valium probably works as with anger, so I suggest the commenter aim to use high dosages).

I think seeking help would be a productive direction for this person to take.

Ramsey's finest. On the most recent thuggish thing I had done to me in the last year or two the Ramsey Police did not stand by. Officer Wieler of RPD was on the phone Apr. 8, at about a quarter to seven in the evening about it before I even knew I was being thugged.

Jim Way and I exchanged a few emails. While there may have been some smiling, (I could understand if there was), there was no standing by. The RPD was helpful as a drop point for individuals to come and go and sign papers.

And if willingly helpful that way I cannot envision them idly standing by during thuggish property damage crime.