
Friday, May 22, 2009

Pawlenty should issue a certificate for Franken as winner. Coleman owes Franken cash -- CREW says, Norm, not from campaign loot.

There's Strib reporting on the seemingly unending saga, here and here. Have a look. From the first of those two links:

[N]ational Democrats pressed Gov. Tim Pawlenty to sign an election certificate as soon as the Minnesota Supreme Court rules on Coleman's appeal.

Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, signed a letter urging Minnesota's Republican governor to allow Franken to be seated if, as Democrats expect, the state's high court rules against Coleman.

"To allow this process to continue into the federal courts for no other reason than to deny for as long as possible the seating of another Democratic Senator would make what has been a bad situation for Minnesotans even worse," Kaine said. "I urge you to do everything in your power and influence to bring this process to an end."

Coleman and other Republicans have suggested he might take his election challenge into the federal courts if the Minnesota Supreme Court upholds a three-judge panel that ruled Franken the victor by 312 votes.

It has been a bad situation for Minnesota voters. Norm Coleman dragging it out into the federal courts would make it worse. Pawlenty should do the right thing, issue the certificate, but he's who he is, and will not.

Strib reports, Pawlenty vetoed the Motor Voter bill; showing who he is; showing he wants fewer rather than more voters to participate - the fewer, the better his chances of more of the same.