
Sunday, May 03, 2009

On the other hand, this is just one more thing for Norm Coleman to worry about right now.

And if anyone deserves to worry, it is the man who was the Bush-Cheney toady, who figuratively danced on Paul Wellstone's grave, and dishonored Minnesota by chairing the Truman Committee without looking at Carlyle Group or other war profiteering.

The headline sentence is taken from a TPM report on the Minnesota DFL having filed an FEC complaint against Coleman over possible use of campaign money for personal use - a complaint related to the Nasser Kazeminy situation (where allegations are that $75,000 of Kazeminy sugar daddy cash was funneled to the Coleman spouses; the amount being that only because someone in Texas quelled a final $25,000 aimed that way to make an even hundred grand).

Here is a TPM screenshot, from April 23, with this late Crabgrass report due to my not keeping up with email and only now seeing the April 24 Google Alert I had set for "kazeminy" giving me the link.

Click the image to enlarge and read it. In addition to the above-excerpted TPM item, TPM posted the entire Melendez - Cassutt press release of April 23, including the text of the FEC complaint.

Go to that TPM link for detail.

Say Goodbye, Norm.