
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Whither the GOP, in images plus two links.

Okay, now the links, here and here, the latter being a voice of the GOP future in Minnesota's Sixth District. Check it out, it is worth the time for what you might learn. A third link, here, for a less neurtal view than Wikipedia of the Ron Paul viewpoint. An apology to Aubrey Immelman, but I think the Sixth District GOP is not ready for him, given that Ramstad was labled RINO, all that.

I am moving into a post, this one, a comment 2008 GOP Sixth District Candidate Aubrey Immelman left on an earlier post:

Aubrey Immelman said...
Thanks for posting the update, Mr. Zaetsch. Yes, it's been nose to the grindstone all semester, with a full course load, filling in for a colleague on extended medical leave, publishing the annual academic journal of which I'm editor, and supervising three research projects: "The Leadership Style of President Barack Obama"; "The Personality Profile of Vice President Joe Biden"; and "The Personality Profile of Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin."

More information at the link below:

Obama, Biden, Palin Profiled

In addition, I haven't missed a day blogging on what started as my campaign website last July, mostly on my platform issues and current events of interest to me.

I look forward to getting in on the early-season walleye action after the academic year winds down in a couple of weeks, and then after the Fourth of July I'll size up the 6th District political landscape for 2010.

The profiling link, whether you believe in it or think it's smoke-and-mirrors, is worth noting, and Immelman in the past has indicated the DoD had used him as a consulting contractor to generate profiles of figures of interest, Saddam, bin Laden, etc.