
Thursday, April 30, 2009

The real truth about Hoot and Smalley - and don't take my word for it, ask Michele Bachmann.

The latest Michele Bachmann gaffe [yes there is yet another] is the doyeen of misspeaking giving a fractured history lesson; read about it here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Indeed, a Google yields a gaggle of Hoot Smalley reports, this one via a screenshot for example, but none tell the complete true story. [click the image to enlarge]

The two gentlemen pictured above, well, not Hoot and Smalley, but Smoot and Hawley - were tariff act authors during the Hoover presidency, not Roosevelt's, and now the further truth - each grew a beard and they formed a rock-n-roll band:

And ---- Don't take my word for it. Ask Michele Bachmann.