
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

PiPress has a straw poll - Franken up by 312 [a major league batting average] - straw poll so far says "Hang it up" to Coleman.

I voted early. It's now up to over 300 in the straw poll, the vast majority, so far, saying enough is enough - especially from the one with an early pre-recount slim lead having said all he did at the time about Franken and whether Franken should, at that premature point, have conceded.

Now, has the fat lady sung? Is the opera over?

The PiPress straw poll is now a day old. as of 9:10 am, April 8, 2009, here are results:

At this point in an already lengthy process, should Norm Coleman concede the U.S. Senate seat to Al Franken? [total votes = 2205]

Yes ------ 67.4%
No ------- 16.3%
Neither -- 15.4%
Not sure -- 0.9%

Norm, go fishing. You no longer have that other one carrying your weight.

I wonder if the straw poll reflects literate online peoples' opinion, more than a general cross section of the state's populace. I could find no Nasser Kazeminy quote about this election dragging on, nor about the new 312 number. Nasser's apparently playing his hand close to his vest. However, Buckley's National Review Online has op-ed advice for Norm - give it up, if Wonkette is to be viewed as credible reporting. Not surprisingly, Paul Demko at MinnIndependent offers similar speculation, while Chris Steller, also of MinnIndy, offers reporting with a lead quote:

“I think we are done,” Franken attorney Marc Elias told reporters after the counting. “It’s no more complicated than this … More Minnesotans voted for Al Franken than for Norm Coleman.”

It sure seems so. I don't know how else to sanely read truth in all this.