
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Diamond City Bread. In Elk River. The best bakery in Minnesota's Sixth Congressional District.

If you already know the place, this is preaching to the chior.

If you go there a first time, tell them Crabgrass sent you - Crabgrass made you do it. Using the first generation Sony digital camera that gives fuzzy but usable images, this counter top photo gives a hint of the product appeal, with butter dish and coffee brewer in the background for scale (click to enlarge).

Next, what can you get and what will it cost. Until Garrett, the owner, sets up a website to maintain, prices and product mix may fluctuate. They change from day-to-day already. Below is a montage - the latest daily selection list, and an image of the "freebie" card they use to show repeat business appreciation [with their "diamond" trade logo on the card].

* as always, click on the image to enlarge and read *

Each time you buy and present the yellow card, you get a - what else - diamond shaped punch so that you fill a card side and you get free product. The pictured foccocia segment (above) is what remains from getting it free a day or two ago after buying a sliced sourdough - a favorite of mine - that filled out a card.

I have tried a range of product, never disappointed. There is locale, and reviews:

Go there or be square.

I have posted this for several reasons. First, they deserve credit, for being a first rate business in the north metro. Second, some believe I have little to say but carping, nothing positive or useful - so this is positive AND useful. Third, downtown Elk River has changed a bit while remaining the same in some ways. Have a look.