
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Now for two wholly unrelated items. Nostalgia and current events on the other side of the world.

Feb. 5, 2004, five years ago this month, Tammy Sakray of Anoka County Union reported:

Ramsey administrator receives review, additional money

by Tammy Sakry
Staff writer

With a good report for his development of a highly qualified professional staff and long range planning skills, Ramsey City Administrator Jim Norman will receive extra money in his paycheck.

When the Ramsey City Council unanimously approved his 2003 review at its Jan. 27 meeting, it also approved an additional $3,000 per year to go into a deferred compensation plan. Council members Patti Kurak and Todd Cook wre [sic] absent.

The review also indicated Norman's performance is commendable in interagency relations and "keeping Ramsey in sound financial position."

During Norman's review process, it was suggested that he give the department heads more flexibility; information, especially regarding the Ramsey Town Center, should be given to the city council sooner for review; and all the boards and commissions are to be informed of things happening in the city.

"I'm certainly pleased with areas the city council cites as commendable and I plan to continue working diligently on areas that were suggested for improvement," said Norman, who was hired as the administrator in February 1998.

Wholly unrelated, there is this [click to enlarge and read or go to the story, here]: