
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Minnesota DFL Senior Caucus notes Health Care hearings and the need to pressure non-believers.

The website info is here.

It probably is too late to influence the Feb. 10 hearings.

But note the Feb. 25 hearings, which I believe will be chaired by governorship candidate, Paul Thissen.

No excerpting.

Go to the webpage, get the emails and other contact info of those who as yet resist or have not signed onto healthcare reform in Minnesota.

If they stand intransigent, let them know you'd like to see them voted out of office next chance for it. My state senator, Mike Jungbauer, is not on the committee list, but for those on it not yet committed, having constituent contact will be stronger than from out of district.

Seniors vote. Remind them of it.

The DFL Seniors Caucus uses a Wordpress blog, with its homepage here.