
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hamas Palestinians on our doorstep - huh? Read it, it does not say THAT.

Thanks to Ramsey Councilmember Matt Look for calling this to my attention.

Federal Register posts an Obama presidential directive, order, determinaiton - whatever, allocating twenty million to aid resettlement of Palenstinians impacted to refugee status during recent Gaza events. It DOES NOT say immigration to the US is any part of the intended use of the allocated funds. Most refugees would be in new camps in Gaza, in existing Gaza camps, or in neighboring refugee camps. The money is for assistance and my reading is for human needs where the refugees are now housed and helped, without any intent to move new numbers of Palestinians to the US.

The language the item uses, "humanitarian needs of Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza," seems to say feeding, clothing, and medical care kinds of thing, not airline tickets to here, there, anywhere.

Read it. It is vague about the allocation's detailed intent, as to specifics of actions to be taken by US personnel.

Some knee-jerk right winger at reads things differently.

There's a gulf of presumptions between what the Federal Register item says, and what the Whizbanger reads it to mean.

Would any Crabgrass reader with more light to shed than heat, please post a comment?