
Thursday, January 01, 2009

We have Dean Barkley in Minnesota, who, relatively speaking, is bland. Charles Barkley, Happy New Year!

I always said they inflated his height in listing NBA stats. All those rebounds, while just over 6' 6", is truly a feat, as is this reporting of a man in a hurry:

Hoops legend Charles Barkley was busted for suspected drunken driving Wednesday - and made things worse by admitting he was rushing to pick up a woman for a sex act.

"I was going to drive around the corner and get [oral sex]," the basketball Hall of Famer told police in Scottsdale, Ariz., a police report said.

He said the woman had performed the sex act for him last week and "it was the best one he had ever had," the report said.

Barkley, 45, was pulled over around 1:30 a.m. A cop saw him blow through a red light, then pull over to pick up the woman, who wasn't charged.

"I am disappointed that I put myself in that situation," Barkley said.

If you drink, don't drive. It is a hazard to others on the road. Speeding too. Or whatever, when records over time get lost. Smoking Gun has both stories, here and here,

Did Gates suggest any tattoo? Was he disappointed about his situation? Records of all that probably were lost also. This thing for Barkley probably hurts his chances to become governor of Alabama, something he had told sports writers was either a goal, or a possibility after retiring from the NBA. He might have been spoofing the writers to see what they'd publish, but who is the governor of Alabama, and why would Barkley not be equal to the job? Wrestlers can do it.

The Gates pic is from Smoking Gun, the Barkley pic, from here.