
Thursday, January 01, 2009

A thought. Perhaps two.

The latest Predator attack reported by Reuters makes me wonder - with throwing shoes seeming to be such an insult in the Muslim world, will they design a Predator that throws shoes instead of firing missles?

Will the Israelis allow a Gaza ceasefire if Hamas activists hurl shoes at the settlements instead of firing missles? Would that then have Israelis retaliate with shoes instead of bombs?

What about GPS guided smart shoes? They could minimize collateral insult that way. However, if shock and awe are the goal shoes might be insulting without being shocking or awful.

It seems the Palestinians' neighboring Arab states were more incensed over Danish cartooning than Isreali bombs - as if Hamas is unpopular among Sunni Arabs. Iran likes them, Hezbollah likes them. If there are Shiite and Sunni factions among the Palestinians and tensions that way, it gets no reporting in US media.

Leaving the Middle East for now as an unsolvable enigma - like the Seante recount, this thought -- Designer shoe folks are missing a cash opportunity - producing a line of throwing shoes, designer designed - not anyone's throwing shoes, rather with a cachet. And this quote, here:

“Fashion is about pain! True models use the pain, they push past the pain!”

Never mind role models. Does that make Pat Williams a true model? Or Jarad Allen? They push past the pain, or do their best to. I am uncertain about turning thoughts around that way.

That last link has this photo, women voluntarily, painfully keeping on their toes via heeless high heels - no fooling:

I want to see one of those true models handing out awards on a hockey rink, wearing a set of those hummers. Madonna and A-Rod together, each wearing a pair.

Actually, not A-Rod. For men it's harder to keep them on their toes. Gotta raise urinals in the restrooms.