
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

RNC 8.

This image.

These links, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. The site has subpages you can explore as you like.

This petition.

Another image. This google. This google.

The bulk of online opinion seems to favor the defendants. Post links via comments, if you know of a pro-law enforcement or pro-prosecution viewpoint online. Post comments if you have an opinion, either way.

NOTE: I did a google = minnesota patriot act. I got links to things like the socialists' report, etc., but could not find a legislative link to the text/history/passage of the legislation. A bit of searching gave detail, key statutory text leading to the bill as passed, and brief legislative history, here and here. See "long title," and "House Research Bill Summary." Passed in 2002, early Bushco-hysteria days, great passion and little thought. With those links you can track down sponsorship, committees, passage majorities, voting in both chambers, etc., all things that could be interesting - a know your legislator kind of thing. If you read any of that stuff, reflect, does it make you feel any more secure in your person and property? Do you feel more exposed to some cop, some time, saying "Gotcha." I feel the latter. The entire damned thing should be repealed. Having all that stuff at the national level is bad enough. Imitated overreaching stupidity is how I view it, yet these eight people could be put in the slammer for years. Check their online biographies. Are they criminals, in your view? Should they be at such a risk as they are, as a moral question, answer it as you will. This image, from the "bio page."


Reader exercise: Rate these kids. This link. Also note, I did a cut/paste of their source for the below "DONATE" button, intending that you use it and that it cut over to their donate page. Defending against the weight of the heel of the state costs. Help them, that way.

________FURTHER UPDATE________
Today's "criminal," tomorrow's legend. Today's sheriff, tomorrow's too.