
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

RAMSEY - At a guess, how many more dollars will the Kurak-Elvig-Gamec Town Center cost you?

Efficiency is getting the pictures/names updated. Ramsey is efficient, website-wise. You really don't need the link, just click and enlarge.

(If you want to access the video streaming, use the link to get that link. It is inactive in the image. And if you want the names and contact info, open the page in Internet Explorer where it displays the info, the screenshot is from FireFox with scripting blocked, and accurately portrays how the website displays in that browser configuration.)

Back to the headline question, have you ever noticed the city logo represents the open prairie plantings covering most of Town Center? Or perhaps I am wrong, and the depiction is of the swamp cattails we used to have before the new ditching and draining so that sewer could be run to the Gun Club. Perhaps. But it was a necessary step to cashing out the property. And that's been what Ramsey's been about, hasn't it?

Good luck to the newbies on Council. And this parting thought, with the gender make-up as it is, there was broom work done sweeping out some cobwebs, and now there will have to be mop-up, and traditionally that was June Cleaver's domain while Walt Cleaver went out to earn the daily bread. Let's hope traditional gender-bias role assignments do not get in the way of this crowd doing a credible mop-up, given the amount of mopping needed.

Finally, what do you make of the gap between the engineering estimate and the bid range of this most recent Dec. 4, 2008 "In the News" item from the Ramsey website?

Whatever you read into it, I see the transparency of posting that on the website as a good step. Sunshine on all that your local units of government do is always appreciated. Indeed, it would be nice if this new group goes back to televising Council work sessions, AND televises the Finance Committee and Public Works Committee meetings - Park Board is nice, but the money gets spent more in the dark than necessary or proper. Should we say, "Televise the Pork Board, before the Park Board?" That could become a new City slogan.

Gentlemen: Fix it, please. Give us more transparency.

I could have added one hyphenated name to the headline, but why make the headline too long. Everyone knows who the driving forces were, but not why in every instance. In honor of the City Administrator before Kurt Ulrich, and lest Kurt fall into untoward ways, I will quote the MISSION paragraph on the opening screenshot, as on the website:

The Mayor and Councilmembers serve as the administrative and legislative authority for the City. The Mayor serves as the presiding officer at meetings of the Council. The Mayor and Councilmembers are responsible for directing the work of City staff.

Given how the Comp Plan joke was played out, especially at the end where the detail was foisted off on us all at the very last minute with Ms. Hyphenated Name saying her boss would spank Ramsey if an arbitrary deadline went unmet, all that theater; it all was the fault, ultimately at least, of the then-sitting mayor and council and not staff or consultants, regardless of who actually did what when and played what hand in the game and conversed in hallways with whomever. The buck stops at the Council (in the Truman sense - although arguably sometimes at relatives in the non-Truman sense).

In wishing the new council well and a full term without mishap or conflict of interest, would anyone knowing what the Terry Hendriksen Legal Defense Fund was for, please send an email.