
Friday, January 09, 2009

Huckabee. His book, "Do the Right Thing." Current reading.

I just got it from the Anoka County Library Rum River Branch. They have a good library system, whatever else you might not like. It's on a 10-day circulation, being a popular item, non-renewable. Huckabee and Ron Paul are the interesting part of the GOP. Palin is schlock, others saying they will cut your taxes are walking cliches. They have a strong candidate positioned to run for the Obama Senate seat when it is next up. Ex-navy spook, Naval Intelligence Service being their spook-shop designation.

But the GOP has too many Michele Bachmann sorts, still, even with past elections.

John Boehner is Newt, without the hair. Equally sincere.

Newt and Jack Kemp shared - I think it could be a toupee, since I have never seen pics of the two of them together. I think it's one toupee that Newt and Kemp share; each getting it on alternate days. Perhaps not.

If the GOP becomes competitive, Huckabee might be one voice and Ron Paul the other that say quite different things from one another, but also different from plain vanilla GOP anti-choice divisiveness and theocratic agenda, for the wealthy to enjoy, the deluded to vote for. I may write a book report. I may not.