
Thursday, January 08, 2009

Gaza - Minnesota Independent blurbs, naming names.

Kieth Ellison. Betty McCollum. Dennis Kucinich. Kucinich seems to take the strongest position. McCollum, well, she sure hung Al Franken out to dry. No problems with lobbyist El Tinklenberg. Other than that, why care what she says especially pablum press releases.

Credit Polinaut for the links.


The disproportionate dimension of things appears to be the Kucinich focus.

The children of Palestinians and the children of Israel both deserve life. But the lives of the children of Gaza are cynically discounted as "human shields". Massacres are being rationalized. Israel's "moral high ground" in Gaza, a growing pile of small bones in a graveyard.

The Administration knows Israel is using US weapons, paid for by US taxpayers, with disproportionate force creating a collective punishment of Gazans, assuring an escalation of conflict, clear violations of the Arms Export Control Act.

Israel was given U.S. weapons on condition they would not be used for aggression or escalation. The outgoing Administration must finally stand for the rule of law, not the rule of force.

Italics added. Same "disproportionate" concerns, Lionel Beehner – Wed Dec 31, 2008, identical text published two places, here and here. That is after the Israeli air campaign began, before the ground campaign.

_______FURTHER UPDATE_________
The contrary view, here. This google. It seems a timely question; 136,000 google hits.