
Wednesday, December 03, 2008

STRIB this morning carries the AP feed on the Chambliss win, and its own item on Franken's fight for you and me aganist the dark side of the force.

Here, on Chabliss. Here, on the saga of the ex-entertainer against the ex-campus radical, ex-DFL mayor, present friend-of-Nasser. No analysis here, you can read the mainstream. Or better, read MPR Polinaut online, here, it's better than Strib, ya betcha.

Polinaut poses the question [don't comment here, comment there, it's his question and he's got greater readership]:

Question(s) of the Day: Do the Democrats take the foot off the pedal in Minnesota now that they can't reach 60 Senate seats? What does this mean for Minnesota's Senate contest?

You fight for every seat. With a very low Georgia turnout [it's unduly cold there these days] and with Chambliss' percentage so high, you have to figure the insider party polling was forecasting that outcome - light turnout, high GOP percentage, so that the speculation that Obama stayed away believing he could not energize any differing result and would only weaken his mandate by showing up in person and trying to energize a Martin win and failing, looks to have truth to it.

As President Elect, why step into a meat grinder if you know there's no foreseeable up side? Why mis-step when you can walk the pasture carefully and keep your shoes clean? He's nobody's fool, after all.

Is anyone these days energized by the Obama appointments? Clinton redux? Eight-year-old leftovers? We wait, we hope, we later see.

The Clinton presidency, for much of its time, was constrained by the dark forces holding Congress. Obama has a brighter cloud over his head at the start, but like Carter he inherits a GOP-screwed-up-eight-hundred-and-ten-different-ways economy, and will be blamed for the mess four, eight years hence. People are that way.