
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Spammed in a Comment - by the second person who had "software developer" or "web developer" in mind.

Click the image to enlarge and read. A Seattle friend could not understand "Developers are Crabgrass" as a title, having in mind a "developer" in the software, website, service application, context, not a brick and mortar and lumber and plumbing sense. I thought that was specialized, and quaint in a way. Then another post got spammed with a comment suggesting a visit to a website where you could hire a "developer" for ten US dollars an hour. If they take the time to search blogs for "developer" and then insert their comment, or to program a machine to do so, they have some talent, and for ten bucks I bet you could buy a "how did he program and interface that to a web search engine output" answer.

The screenshot is of a subpage from the site with this "portfolio" page.

Yo - folks in Cochin, India. If you get any business from this post, my agent's fee is 5% on the first ten bucks, 10% on any further work.

Seriously, good luck if the business earns a living for a few people, if the skill set really is as inclusive as offered.