
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ramsey's best trim $35,000 from the earlier proposed multi-million dollar levy.

Since September, Ramsey city staff and council have worked to bring down its proposed 2009 levy by $35,000.

In 2009, the city will levy $9,519,086 rather than the $9,554,086 proposed in September.

Tammy Sakry reports. Read her entire article. Does Ramsey need a City Administrator and an Assistant City Administrator? Planners and then atop that a planning consultant? A paid lobbyist? Shouldn't the developers and land speculators, Kuraks, Hunts, whoever, pay for their mischief, and fund their facilitators, the planning staff? There is no public benefit from planners and planning. It is a special interest service. Paid for by all taxpayers. Anyone can put sand in a machine. We do not need to pay specialists.