
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Paul Weyrich death.

I have a Google Alert set for "Council for National Policy" and it produced today this link (source of the image). I find one of the comments interesting:

hoosier says:
December 19, 2008, at 11:17 pm
My question is, for any journalists reading, how could Weyrich oppose Tower for being drunk in public, but have worked with Coors at Heritage? I mean, if his only opposition to Tower was moral, rather than substantive, how did he reconcile taking money from a man who’s fortune is built on intoxication? Now of course, not every beer drinker drinks to intoxication, but to oppose someone who, presumably, is otherwise qualified for SecDef in large part because of intoxication, and yet to have built a foundation with a beer heir, it just seems a little funny. Did he have other objections to Tower, but decided that the moral angle was best for public consumption? Did Tower only drink whiskey, or maybe Budweiser, so it was ok to work with Coors? Is being a drunk one thing, but being a drunk and a womanizer something else entirely? How did Weyrich reconcile these seeming contradictions?

Not that I weep over any scorn for John Tower, but it is an interesting point. Didn't Christ drive hypocrites and dissemblers out of someplace, or do I misremember something long ago endured at my parents' demand, then dismissed?

There is this general Google, then this Google News.

Gary Bauer weighs in. I may be a cynic, but I somehow envision Bauer's major concern being to get Wyrich's mailing list. Not that such a concern would be unseemly, the man will no longer need it after all. Political loyalties show. I have never pretended to understand or like that wing of the human race, but I find it interesting the eulogies are from the "Market Watch" site. Perhaps I read too much into that. I do wonder what "New Power (and power lunches)" will follow this passing. Wikipedia's Weyrich entry has been updated to include his death. The reaper is grim, nobody should doubt or downplay that reality, but I was more troubled when (s)he got Walter Payton then by this. And I respect the Sourcewatch entry more than the present eulogies. Walter Peyton never had a Sourcewatch page, but different camps probably view each man as a role model. Adrian Peterson remains, as does Gary Bauer, one from each camp. I have more regard for good running backs than for disruptive right-wingers. Choose your own role model, if you want one at all.

Within days, Slinging Sammy Baugh and Mark Felt also died. Compared to Weyrich they will be more universally missed except by the Nixonians in Felt's case.