
Friday, December 05, 2008

MHTA - TECHNE awards - CYMBET, in Elk River, near to where I live.

MHTA first. It is a high technology business advocacy and promotional entity, Minnesota High Tech Association, with an affiliated 501(c)3 foundation, the MHTF. The example I take is from their 2008 agenda, broadband advocacy, see the screenshot letter, and the bill summary and its success history, here and here.

TECHNE Awards: The MHTA is a cosponsor of the annual set of awards, with 2008 recipients identified and briefly described, here (source of this screenshot excerpt).

Now, back to the opening image, the tie-in being that the above screenshot shows that Cymbet Corporation was the 2008 "Advanced Manufacturing Award" winner, growing firm category, making them a technology innovation award recipient in the same general league as 3M (per the screenshot), and IBM-Rochester, another recipient in the established firm grouping - and that is good company to be in, with IBM-Rochester as maker of Blue Gene, the supercomputer programed to defeat Kasparov at his game, and you have to be good to do that.

Cymbet has solid state Lithium ion battery technology. For a patent portfolio view, see here, and a downloadable representative recent patent, here. They are in Elk River, Sherburne County, about 12 miles from Ramsey in Anoka County, where I live, with the county line about midway between Ramsey and Elk River.

Let us hope they prosper through the economic downturn, hire many people into Minnesota jobs, and are not attracted to move to another state by perks and offers.

The future health of the Minnesota economy depends greatly on companies such as Cymbet, and others, such as Cargill, a bigger fish in the pond, but also, interestingly, having a research facility in Elk River. As an innovation location, it trumps Ramsey, and being across the county line, it is beyond the reach of Met. Council. Is there a connection, or is it coincidental? YOU make that call. I only suggest the possibility.