
Monday, December 01, 2008

Georgia On My Mind. Tomorrow, Dec. 2, is the runoff Senate election there, between incumbent Saxby Chambliss (R) and challenger Jim Martin (D).

click to enlarge

With the 60-vote filibuster proof Senate at stake in Minnesota's Franken-Coleman recount as well as in the Georgia Senate runoff election, and with the Georgia uncertainty set to be resolved tomorrow, Dec. 2, Georgia is on my mind.

For song info, see here, or to sign the petition, go to and for lyrics, trivia, and downloading the ringtone, here.

I am unsure of the best way to monitor the Georgia returns tomorrow, and if I can pin down a good tracking source I shall put it in an UPDATE at the end of this post. I have a few emails out to Georgia media and the Georgia Secretary of State, and if I get any reply check for info on it via an UPDATE.

The Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) Blogger outlet had this to say:

Monday, December 1, 2008
U.S. Senate candidates' final push today

It is the final push for the Georgia U.S. Senate candidates, with the runoff election ahead tomorrow. Democratic challenger Jim Martin spent weekend time in Macon, Savannah and Columbus. While in Columbus, Martin appealed to veterans who live in the area. Republican incumbent Saxby Chambliss attended the Georgia-Georgia Tech football game Saturday in Athens--on Sunday, he appeared on Fox News Sunday to make his national case.

Last night, Chambliss welcomed Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to Georgia with private fundraisers in Atlanta. Today, Chambliss and the former vice presidential candidate will hit four cities in Georgia, starting with Augusta this morning. They'll move to Savannah, Perry, and metro Atlanta afterward. For Martin, he’ll campaign with civil rights leaders in two statewide stops today--Augusta and Macon, and then return to Atlanta with a State Capitol rally alongside hip-hop star Ludacris.

Get all the latest with Georgia election news by going to our website:

Posted by Edgar Treiguts

The Jim Martin campaign site is here.

The Saxby Chambliss campaign site is here.

About Jim Martin, here. Martin's runoff election info, here; Jim's blog, here; Martin's news updates page, here; and for endorsements and coverage, see e.g., here, here, here, here and here.

Further coverage, here:

Georgia Runoff Election This Tuesday - Chambliss/Martin Race Crucial to U.S. Senate Balance
Minnesota's Coleman and Franken Also Still Vying for Important Seat
By Sheryl Young, published Nov 30, 2008

With the Alaska U.S. Senate seat now decided (Republican incumbent Ted Stevens finally conceded to Democratic challenger Mark Begich), the Democrats now hold 58 seats of the crucial 60 needed to become a "super majority", preventing any type of Republican negotiation power in the Senate.

There are two Senate seats still to be decided. The Georgia Senate Runoff Election, to be held this Tuesday December 2, is the most critical race in the country. Incumbent Senator, Saxby Chambliss (R), hopes to defend his seat against opponent, Jim Martin (D).

The other open seat is the Minnesota race between incumbent Senator Norm Coleman (R) and first-time runner, comedian Al Franken (D). This election result is in a recount and may not be decided until mid-December.

How close is the Chambliss/Martin race? A Thanksgiving week Mellman Group poll for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee shows Chambliss leading Martin by only 2 percentage points - 48% to 46%. But a conflicting Public Policy Polling Survey from the same time period from shows Chambliss at 52% and Martin at 46%.

According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, President-elect Obama has left 25 of his Georgia field offices open for Martin, including in-state paid staff, and about 100 field operatives from other Southern states have been sent to help Martin's campaign.

Michael Reagan, radio host, author and son of President Reagan, has joined with the National Republican Trust PAC (Political Action Committee) in endorsing Chambliss.

Georgia Public Broadcasting reports that the latest FEC filings show Jim Martin has raised $2.4 million to Chambliss' $1.9 million in October-November to support their bids for the seat.

There's much linked coverage, and these brief blips on the two candidates, here:

Saxby Chambliss

Chambliss was elected to the Senate in 2002 after being elected to the House in the 1994 Republican revolution. He is a lawyer who earned his legal degree from the University of Tennessee College of Law after graduating from the University of Georgia.

Jim Martin

Martin grew up in Georgia, and studied at the University of Georgia. He is an Army veteran and a lawyer, and also spent 18 years in the Georgia State House. He was also head of the state’s Department of Human Resources. has coverage, here, here, here, here, here and here.

CNN has Georgia up-to-the-runoff coverage, here; and for coverage and the left side picture of one disgustingly whining individual within Phil Gramm's "nation of whiners," and his story of how he relates to Minnesota-recount and Georgia-runoff, here. I agree with Schumer, they should stop their whining aimed at intimidating whoever, just, please, stop (although if this one pictured whiner "worked into a lather" he must have cleaned up a bit for the photo-op).