
Saturday, December 06, 2008

Former Boeing exec, now CEO of Ford, Alan Mulally, makes his point. He offers to "work for a dollar."

Not to work hard for every dollar. Let's get the terms right. If there's a bailout loan made available to the auto industry by Uncle Sam, and if Ford, Mulally's firm, has to take any share of the money available as a bridge loan to better times, he makes his point by offering in return to then take only a single dollar as his annual salary until the loan is repaid. I believe that's his offer. The reporters are so stunned they're not reporting full detail. That's not likely to be called, but it did get attention, here, here, here, here and here, for example.

Go man, and earn that greenback. Make the Ford family proud.

I forgot when Ford hired Mulally, but in 2005, he's reported still at Boeing. I originally saw only Mulally on board the dollar express, but some reports are that all three CEOs took that pledge, and there's skepticism, see, here, here, and here.

Here is the first item I saw on Mulally's pledge.

What should we think of it, a stunt or a real promise and a sincere step to show dedication? At least something that way is on the record, so we can see what's next.