
Saturday, November 08, 2008

We need a reality check in Ramsey, Anoka County, Minnesota.

Bob Ramsey won decisively and will be Ramsey's new mayor. The review by the Planning Commission of the 2008 Comp. Plan for forwarding to the Council was a major thing, and Terri Cleveland should have attended.

Bob Ramsey's most recent update of his campaign website, before scrubbing, said:

November 1, 2008

It has just occurred to me that I did not completely spell out my position on taxes. I will never vote to raise the levy rate for city taxes period…not for two years, and not for as long as you decide to keep me in office. I have never even considered raising taxes an option.

If you elect me for Mayor I will cut the spending necessary to balance the budget and still maintain the essential services that you require from your city.

See, here, re that. Strib on Nov. 5 reported:

In Ramsey, the new mayor is Bob Ramsey, a 44-year-old small-business owner. He beat Terri Cleveland and write-in candidate Keith Kiefer after longtime Mayor Tom Gamec didn't seek reelection.

Ramsey said his priorities include attracting businesses to the struggling Town Center project. The project was intended as the city's crown jewel that would attract development to pay for the spacious new City Hall and parking ramp, which now require a $1.25 million payment each year on bonds.

But the project foundered in 2006 after the developer went bankrupt and died soon thereafter. Ramsey said the city needs a new interchange on Hwy. 10 and an overpass over railroad tracks to carry shoppers to the Town Center.

I suppose Bob and I and Ben Dover, the Ramsey taxpayer, are all in agreement - Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny should get together and pay for that "new interchange on Hwy. 10 and an overpass over railroad tracks to carry shoppers to the Town Center." What with Ramsey taxes paying only for "essential services" we can trust Bob will not misallocate things for Town Center rescue hopes and dreams and such.

Bob Ramsey, may your term as mayor be good for Ben Dover and others.