
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Michele Bachmann vs. Marilyn Musgraves. Birds of a feather, Bachmann a phoenix, while Musgraves got hammered.

One of their own put them in the same boat, Tony Perkins (and his FRC cohorts), see here.

Bachmann had her Hardball moment, yet survived, the phoenix of the two, while Musgraves crashed and burned, big time; see here, here, here, here, and here.

Bachmann survived, winning 46% -to- 43% against Elwyn Tinklenberg, while Musgrave's numbers were quite the opposite; 57% -to- 43% against Musgrave, in favor of the Democrat Rep. elect, Betsy Markey, with this picture below from the last above link, the Coloradoan, here:

What's the difference? A mediocre opponent Elwyn Tinklenberg, vs. a vibrant forward-looking appealing progressive, Markey, where district demographics had favored Musgrave's incumbency for a longer period than Bachmann's single tumultuous term.

Run a decent option, get a win. It's not rocket science. It only requires good sense.

Given that this GOP faction will not go away, but will push again with redoubled vigor, and apparently already has begun that, it is most necessary that DFL leadership here in Minnesota concentrate upon the sensible things to be done to meet and defeat the threat. And that is not done, by endorsing and parading out again the likes of lobbyist Elwyn Tinklenberg. It is done by things deeper and less superficial - finding quality people instead, and deciding how best to effectively promote them.

New DFL district leadership (where Paulson and Bachmann won) might be needed to bring that about.

Redistricting will have an effect, since Minnesota is projected to lose a seat, but the burden is to overcome the right wing extremism by offering more Klobuchar-like candidates, and no more Tinklenbergs.

Klobucher's numbers in MN 6, in her Senate run against its past Rep., Mark Kennedy, shows this is so. Just do it.