
Sunday, November 16, 2008

The GOP and heavy boots on freedom - blogging on the RNC - warlord Sheriff Bob Fletcher - mystery man contest.

Reading about Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher and the excessive police presence and excessive repressive conduct they carried out, here's a "mind's eye" image of Fletcher:

Surely police conduct fell short of some African continent civil war atrocities, or the drug lords, FARC and counterforces in Columbia, but for our nation, it was excessive and from all accounts unneeded overreaction BEFORE there was anything real (and not rigged) to react to - or so the speculation goes.

Here, here and here, for example. This Google.

Is this who we are as a nation?

And regarding that question, can you identify this mystery man, who has written his views of who we could be as a nation - views likely to be abandoned for a while, starting next year.

Hint - He's a lawyer who clerked for the Hon. Justice Clarence Thomas. If you care, that might be a point for beginning a discovery path to learn the individual's identity, and impact on things some of us cherish for all, not just for some of us.

(warlord photo credit)

An MPR item and its sequel, both authored by Laura Yuen (who has, as the link shows, written more than once on the RNC problems), is the most comprehensive report I have so far seen (with that MPR item linked to from MnBlue, here). I was not there. I did not get arrested. I did not get pepper sprayed. I did not get tear gassed. I have no video, audio, or photos to be impounded by Fletcher's troops. I am quite sympathetic to those who have been mistreated or had evidence seized by Fletcher or others. That is anti-American. Even Michele Bachmann would say so, I betcha.