
Monday, November 10, 2008

Franken-Coleman Senate count now closer than Vikings 28-27 win over Packers.

The current score, a 204 vote gap reported by Strib, here and here. Percentagewise, that's tighter than the one point Viking win.**

Coleman goes to District Court over absentee ballots, and like Green Bay, loses. Here and here. Biographical info on the judge, here, apparently not appointed by either party but instead first reaching a District Court seat by election.

Also in the news, Pawlenty has a good idea. No, really. Not original to him, but good. Green energy might be a key to generating new jobs. Here, and let's hope it works.

Also in the news, the name Kazeminy will not go away.

Here Strib reports biographical info on Nasser Kazeminy largely unrelated to the Coleman-cash allegations. He is a friend of Irwin Jacobs, Carl Pohlad, and the GOP. His Minnesota ties go back to the prosperous days of Control Data. He was noted by Strib as first meeting Coleman in 1996 when declining to involve himself in then mayor Coleman's efforts to bring professional hockey back to the Twin Cities. He handed an award to Tim Palwenty, and socialized with a crowd including Eliot Spitzer. Have a look.

** Strib reported as of 1:00 pm, Mon, Nov. 10, there were 1,211,562 votes reported for Coleman, 1,211,356 for Franken, totaling 2,422,919 so that the difference of 206 votes is 0.008% of all votes cast, while the one point Viking win in a 28-27 game is a difference of 1 in 55, or 1.8% of all points scored, if you care.