
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Do your part to foster clean and honest government - Sign the petition. Whatever the outcome, sweeping it under the rug is unacceptable.

He may be problem free. He may have a serious problem. But it should not hang fire or wither and disappear as if it does not matter. Clean and honest government always matter. Here is what the petition seeking an investigation looks like [click to enlarge and read]:

HERE is where you go to sign it. Don't wait. Don't hesitate. I cannot promise you any free Ginzu knife for signing, only a chance to get someone to listen and to cut through some heavy BS.

After you sign and send the e-petition, return here and finish reading the post.

Don't cheat go sign it.

Okay - you've done your citizenship-of-the-day duty, here is the link to the full text of letters ABM, Alliance for a Better Minnesota, sent to the Senate Select Committee on Ethics, and to the local FBI office, requesting that investigations begin at each of those venues.

Strib has a report on the Alliance for a Better Minnesota efforts, here. If PiPress has a report, my Google effort missed it.

_______FURTHER UPDATE_______
I wanted to put the post up first, before sending in my petition. It's done. Here is the text I put into the comment field on the petition:

However an investigation turns out, guilt or innocence, not investigating would be a breach of good government. Citizens deserve clean and honest conduct from elected officials and if there is even an appearance of impropriety, it should be erased by a thorough and diverse investigation, leaving no stone unturned. Require Hays Company records, and Laurie Coleman records be produced. See if there was a normal fee splitting arrangement between agent Laurie Coleman and here principal, Hays, or whether full amounts were flowed through as if an improper gift or payment. Remember also, the Kazeminy company does deep water oil and gas services, and Coleman sponsored an amendment favoring that, but not favoring drilling in ANWR, where the Kazeminy firm would have no chance of earning anything thousands of miles inland.

_________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Subsequent to these events I learned Coleman issued a press release, see here setting it out in its entirety. It is worded in the first person, i.e., Coleman unequivocally saying, "I not only welcome such an investigation, but I am eager to have it move forward immediately."

So, everyone is on the same page. Coleman skeptics. Coleman himself. What are people at the FBI and Senate Ethics Committee waiting for? All the votes are in on this one and clearly unanimous for having an investigation.

No recount needed.