
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A two-trillion dollar pension fund iceberg, below the Wall Street bailout tip, so far not bailed out, so far not guessed larger.

Seattle PI carried an AP feed:

Last updated October 7, 2008 1:26 p.m. PT
Retirement accounts have lost $2 trillion


WASHINGTON -- Americans' retirement plans have lost as much as $2 trillion in the past 15 months, Congress' top budget analyst estimated Tuesday. The upheaval that has engulfed the financial industry and sent the stock market plummeting is devastating workers' savings, forcing people to hold off on major purchases and consider delaying their retirement, said Peter Orszag, the head of the Congressional Budget Office.

As Congress investigates the causes and effects of the financial meltdown, the House Education and Labor Committee was hearing from retirement savings and budget analysts on how the housing, credit and other financial troubles have battered pensions and other retirement funds, which are among the most common forms of savings in the United States.

"Unlike Wall Street executives, America's families don't have a golden parachute to fall back on," said Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., the panel chairman. "It's clear that their retirement security may be one of the greatest casualties of this financial crisis."

That should make tonight's Obama - McCain debate even more focused on the economy, less on foreign affairs.