
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Remember Phil Gramm's phrase, "A nation of whiners?" In general it's ill-grounded, but some people define for themselves a context.

The link is here. Sifting through all the whining and negativity, it appears her concern is Franken might favor federal judicial appointees respectful of Roe v. Wade, and she does not like that. Or as she indirectly whines, at the very end of her item,

[T]he Constitution entrusts the Senate with unique powers -- its members conduct impeachment trials, make treaties, and give the president advice and consent on important appointments, including Cabinet secretaries, ambassadors and federal judicial nominees with lifetime tenure.

A Minnesota senator represents the whole state, not a smaller, relatively homogeneous congressional district, as House members do.

If Franken is elected, can he represent all the people of Minnesota -- including Christians -- for whom he has repeatedly shown disdain?

I think she means that in her view of the world representing "Christians," something she knows so very much about, means having to make the concession of favoring anti-choice judges. Instead of directly taking on the issue, she wrings her hands and whines and never directly gets to any point. And that is why many never give her any attention or if they start a Kersten column they are unlikely to go further than four paragraphs into it.