
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The latest Tinklenberg money shakedown email.

Emailed to me midday, today. He claims momentum is shifting. Quicksand shifts. Momentum? Sure, Elwyn. If you say so.

And he says, unreferenced and hence unsubstantiated "newest polls" imply the Sixth District would favor a Democrat over a Republican. It is too bad the Sixth District DFL did not endorse and run a Wellstone, but instead opted for Dean Barkley's and the wrestler's crony retread.

Too bad indeed.

The real lie, however, is the insistent email rattling of a specter of "20 years more of Bachmann," when Elwyn Tinklenberg most certainly knows what we all know - were he to win he'd go to DC and get a two-year term as chance to build the value of his lobbying Rolodex but then soon face the reality of redistricting - and that's NOT twenty years down the line.

Not at all. It is false to try that brand of fear-mongering.

Also, Tinklenberg criticizes Bachmann for voting against the flawed gazillion dollar bailout bill, i.e., he criticizes her voting as Tim Walz did. Tim Walz is a man of unimpeachable conscience and he voted as he did for good reasons, as reported by Strib.

If you want more beyond Walz, look here and here.

Please read those links.

They are sobering - somebody sold a package, without telling what it was, three Paulson pages ended up as a 450 page Senate bill, and there was no truth about what the final price would be or who'd spend the pile of cash, and how.

Elwyn likes that kind of loosy-goosy package.

Go figure.

He is who he is.

Strib reports how he endorsed the bailout, here. And that Lori Sturdivant article has a what-if flavor, contending Tinklenberg could have beaten Bachmann last cycle when Patti Wetterling did not.

Sure. We can all play what if. My guess is Bachmann will defeat Tinklenberg more decisively than she defeated Wetterling. People liked Patti Wetterling.