
Monday, October 06, 2008

If you don't know what your real problems are, and likelihoods for relief, listen to Hugh Hewitt.

Hugh has the answers. Fear Obama as president. He is radical. Far left.

Do not listen to Obama, saying make the rich for a change pay closer to a fair share.

Listen to Hugh. Saying the sky is falling.

See here and for more of the same, here.

If McCain surges, it will relate more to another theft of an election, not a groundswell of respect. Friedman and Miller have that right.

With a specialized contingent of US troops now in the Homeland, what is anticipated?

What White House actions might happen between now and November 9 that would heighten a Homeland threat?

McCain and Palin are paper-thin caricatures. As shallow as Rush Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt, Tony Perkins, Gary Bauer, Jason Lewis, Pat Robertson, the bunch stacked together have no depth. Wanting us to view life, honor and politics as Plato's allegory of the cave. As if their shadow public personas were a reality.

And as to the Miller and Friedman view of theft of elections being key, with the Jesus-loves-ME,ME,ME coalition being the smokescreen to hide behind-the-scene pure fraud, at least we see that the smokescreen is being amped up as loud as a rock concert. (Click to enlarge)

What will those folks have for Halloween? A witch burning? A witch hunt, perhaps? We've had that, Palmer Raids, Tail Gunner Joe, careers ruined, blacklisting, etc. If these "family" people had their way, who would be their targets and how severe might they be? And what answer do they have for the mortgage problem - oh, sorry, that's a realistic issue, not their thing. Speaking of Palmer Raids, there is that redeployment of troops to the Homeland.

However, differing people form blocs, and blocs can each have mythology - which can be fervently believed, but untrue or partly so - our poster child, below:

Just another grumpy old guy? A larger than life myth, much of which is false or overly extreme and a tale mistold by some with an agenda? See here, or the links that blogger posted, here and here. False teaching is always a worry, and extreme over-simplistic explanations should be avoided, and regarded as suspect, be it something in a grade school science text delving into historical simplifications, or be it the worst purveyors of over-simplification falsehood in our present days, the Jason Lewis - Rush Limbauge broadcasting bloc together with the Gary Bauer - Tony Perkins - Dobson GOP allies. False doctrine, encouraging fear, intolerance, and Angst, is a menace and it can be from those opposing concepts of faith as well as preachers of junk faith for Walmart shoppers. Also, seeking the agenda underlying the false teaching is a part of growing up. A part of being an educated vs. only a well-schooled person. Discernment and discretion are good words, better as practices. In balance, mistrust to a healthy degree is more virtue than flaw - and mistrusting those wanting to narrow family choice in coping with a world order that has wealth and power very unequally rationed makes sense to me - asking what are they selling and why, and what's the total price, is as sound a thing for belief systems as for used cars. Am I wrong? Perhaps.

It's a matter of belief and judgment.

How's that for a sermon?