
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Complacency is the biggest thing that can hurt Obama now. And he will need Al Franken in the Senate to be able to deliver the promise of "CHANGE."

Obama. I expect the Obama campaign, which has been very astute so far, knows that it must be on message, "Do not rely on any poll saying whatever it says. There is only one thing you can do to assure an Obama victory, vote and tell all your Obama friends to be certain to vote."

Any lead can disappear if voters are indifferent.

I expect the Obama GOTV effort will be flawless.

I expect the GOP will, as always, be skilled in its GOTV measures. It has been one of the ways they have snatched victory from the jaws of defeat [election fraud being the other, such as Florida in 2000, Ohio in 2004].

The new "energized" voters Obama's "change" message has attracted to support him likely will show up at the polls in record numbers.

They likely will be ready, to do what they can for change. If so, the coattails can be very, very broad, down-ticket.

If you support Obama, and do not vote, it might not affect the presidential numbers, but down-ticket it might be decisive. And, it could be difficult at the top of the ticket if any air of complacency develops.

Franken. Ideally, Obama supporters would realize that change will be harder without a filibuster-proof Senate majority. That means we need Al Franken more than ever.

Besides Al Franken being a good guy and attractive on his merits as true to the Wellstone legacy, a strong majority in both houses will fit well with an Obama White House pursuing change, delivering on the promises.

Checking email, this Franken campaign message from Ben Goldfarb [recall, he was the Klobuchar camaign manager]. He is now the GOTV coordinator for the Franken campaign. His message speaks for itself, (and I hope I transcribe all the links correctly):

Dear Friend,

There's a place we call Packetland -- a giant warehouse basement in St. Paul where volunteers and organizers are hard at work around the clock assembling Get-Out-The-Vote packets for the doorknockers and phonebankers whose efforts will push Al over the top and win this race.

We're going to knock on 2.8 million doors -- and make another 1.5 million calls -- before this thing is over. And that means we're going to need your help.


But it's a two way street, and to help you get fired up to help Al and Barack, President Clinton and the Obama campaign are holding a huge rally at the Minneapolis Convention Center (of course, Al will be there as well) TONIGHT! Doors open at 7:00, and we'd love to see you there!

But before you come out, please make a commitment to change by going to right now and signing up to take one of these packets we're assembling and talk to some voters about bringing Minnesota the change we need.

Our organizers and volunteers in Packetland are laying the foundation for the biggest grassroots push this state has even seen, President Clinton is coming in to get us all energized, but we can't do it without you! It's going to take 77,000 volunteers, working together, to retire Norm Coleman from the U.S. Senate. Can we count on you to be one of them?

Please, click here and sign up today.

Thanks for all you do,
Ben Goldfarb

The one link, the will get you to the Obama main GOTV site; where the other links presumably will be for local Franken sites or pages.

Finally, there is this Franken website volunteer page, and you can contribute through the Franken website opening page, see also the Franken site's homepage.

_______FURTHER UPDATE______
Try this thought on and see if it fits like a Nasser K. suit: The GOP right wing theofaction (those abusing the language by calling themselves "social conservatives" as if their stance were not inspired by a will to merge church and state) is fond of pointing out the President over the next four to eight years might appoint three Supreme Court judges. Ask yourself, would you rather the "advice and consent" of the Senate coming from Amy Klobuchar and Norm Coleman, or from Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken. Then, do what's needed.