
Friday, October 31, 2008

Autumn - leaves fall, yard signs sprout -- Vote for Andrew Boho for Minnesota House Dist. 48B.

Jim Abeler, the GOP incumbent has a gazillion signs, puts them out each cycle, and miraculously never forgets one and leaves it behind.

But Boho supports healthcare reform, in Minnesota even if not done in parallel at the national level, and as a DFL candidate he is not any part of the economic down trending, job outsourcing and loss, mortgage woes, or other problems - he simply wants the chance to serve in the legislature to be part of the solution.

Abeler has been a GOP regular for years, reelected regularly as such. He had to go to a primary contest recently because his own party hung him out to dry. Boho can be equally independent of party pressures, but will approach decision making from the DFL perspective and not from Taxpayer League or other constrained outlooks.

I endorse and will vote for Andrew Boho.