
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What does the Tinkster mean, "I would not get between a woman and her doctor?"

This is an open thread, any comment can be entered -

On a recent post, a comment triggered this question.

What's the ET have in mind by saying he "would not get between a woman and her doctor?"

I have posted a few guesses at what Tinklenberg might mean, (if anything but duck and cover). Think of them as starting ideas for an open comments thread, the earlier comments being:

Anonymous said...

Be wary of the non-commital answer: I would never get between the decisions of a woman and her doctor. What does that mean?
3:48 PM

eric zaetsch said...

anon - It means, well, gee, uh ...

Why not ask the Tink? Not what it means, but what in the world he means by that kind of border-line dissembling.

It's like my most recent idea - deregulating the NFL, not at the ownership level, at the game level. Get rid of the officials. Let the "market" sort things out, without that pestering regulation, without those pestering instant replay reviews.

One football. Two teams. Two views of what "rules" apply.

And if a woman and her doctor attend the game or watch it together, let them sit together.

Don't get between them.
11:56 AM

eric zaetsch said...

anon - Perhaps the woman and her doctor are looking to liquidate a portfolio of mortgage backed securities, hedged by debt swaptions.

Don't get between that, w/o a securities brokers licensed status, or you could be sued and lose.

Is that what Tink has in mind, saying what he said?

Maybe, a woman and her doctor, having an affair ...

Let's all of us ask the Tinkster himself - what do you mean????
11:59 AM

Any better ideas?

Have a go at it. Then, after we've explored ideas, let's all ask the Tink: "What do you think, Tink?" It probably would prove enlightening to do precisely that.