
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Truthful TINK.

Front, then back, of the latest Tinklenberg mailing the household received - click to enlarge:


Not exactly.

Bob Anderson IS the IP candidate, not Elwyn, who is Dean Barkley's choice.

However, Barkley or not the ballot will tell the truth - Bob Anderson will be there on your November ballot as the Independence Party candidate for Minnesota's Sixth Congressional District.

Why is this Tinklenberg man disrespectful of the truth?

Why does he hold himself out as something he is not? What does it say to you about the man? About his reliability?


I will email this link to the Anderson and Tinklenberg campaigns, per addresses on their respective websites. I will ask them to log on and add a comment to this post.

I believe that Bob Anderson may have a clear basis to file an unfair campaign practices complaint with the Federal Election Commission (the FEC) over this item misrepresenting actual candidate status.

That's up to Bob Anderson to decide. Both campaigns will be emailed.